11 Best BGMI Players in India Ranking Wise [2023]

As esports keeps getting bigger, India has turned into a center for some of the planet’s top players, especially in Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI). When the game wasn’t allowed in India, a lot of players had found a way to become famous worldwide. This article will examine some of India’s finest BGMI players who’ve displayed their talents in both local and global gaming contests.

11 Best BGMI Players List Ranking Wise

We’ve compiled a lineup of the top 11 finest BGMI players in India, taking into account their accomplishments within the realm of national and international esports. This evaluation encompasses achievements both in BGMI and PUBG Mobile, backed by thorough research. These individuals stand as the cream of the crop among BGMI players in India as of the year 2023.

1. Jonathan: An Upcoming Talent in GodLike Esports


Meet Jonathan Jude Amaral, a talented BGMI gamer who is part of the GodLike Esports team. Jonathan rose to fame by securing the top spot in both the PMCO-Fall Split: South Asia and PMIS 2020 tournaments. His YouTube presence is strong, and he stands out as one of the most hopeful prospects in the gaming community.

2. Goblin: India’s Finest Player in BGMI


Goblin stands tall as a well-known expert and holds the title of India’s premier BGMI player in the esports sphere. His skills are a match for the best in the BGMI world, and his gaming prowess is unmatched. Nevertheless, his limited experience can occasionally result in unexpected outcomes.

3. ScoutOP: An Experienced Figure in BGMI Esports


Meet Tanmay Singh, widely known as “Sc0utOP,” a seasoned presence in the BGMI (previously PUBG Mobile) esports landscape. With roots tracing back to 2018, he has been an enduring part of the scene. Despite a one-year hiatus prompted by the PUBG Mobile ban, ScoutOP remains at the pinnacle of his skills and consistently shines in the midst of intense competition.

4. Omega: Leading Team Soul from the Front


Meet Omega, the capable leader at the helm of Team Soul, a squad known for its wealth of experience and standout BGMI players. Notably, Omega’s astute decision-making garnered admiration during the recent PMWI. Despite facing challenges in terms of combat strength, his strategic choices played a crucial role in keeping Team Soul in the running, solidifying his status as one of India’s standout players.

5. Akshat: Team Soul’s Leading Attacker


In the fresh Soul lineup, Akshat takes on the pivotal role of the main assaulter, putting his abilities on display and carving out a reputation. Despite facing naysayers, Akshat’s exceptional knack for reaching the game’s final stages has garnered him recognition as one of the game’s standout players.

6. Shadow: Guiding the Path for GodLike


In the role of the in-game leader (IGL) for Team GodLike, Shadow has proven to be a valuable asset. His leadership has inspired the team to unlock their full potential, making him a noteworthy addition to the roster.

7. Snax: The DP28 Maestro


Raj “Snax” Varma has etched his name as a distinguished esports player and stands among India’s finest BGMI competitors. As a representative of Team XO, he’s widely recognized as the “DP King,” showcasing exceptional mastery with the DP28 firearm in the BGMI community. Snax’s journey to prominence has been fueled by his informative tutorials and dedicated practice routines for BGMI.

8. ClutchGod


Meet ClutchGod, whose real name is Vivek Aabhas Horo. He stands as the esports scene’s seasoned in-game leader (IGL), all while being one of the youngest players in the BGMI world. Alongside his team, he has secured victory in numerous official tournaments spanning PUBG Mobile and BGMI.

Read also: How to land fast in BGMI (Battlegrounds Mobile India).

Back in 2019, during his time with Revenge Esports, ClutchGod and his squad triumphed as champions of PMIT 2019. Following this achievement, he joined Team Soul, where he secured a remarkable 2nd place in the PMCO fall split of 2019. Moreover, his presence extended to the international arena as he represented India on two separate occasions.

9. Ninja JOD: Rising Star

Ninja JOD

Known by his real name, Shubham Ranjan Sahoo, Ninja JOD is a promising emerging talent, ranking among India’s top 10 best BGMI players. His incredible firepower has left the esports community astonished.

TSM esports recognized Ninja JOD’s potential in 2021, just as BGMI was making its mark in India. A major milestone for him was securing the 2nd place position in BMPS 2021 alongside his team. Since then, he has gained recognition and appreciation from notable figures in the gaming world, including players like Scout.

10. Fierce: The Unsung Hero


Known as Ritesh Nawandar in real life, Fierce holds a position as one of the most underestimated players in the Indian BGMI Community. Specializing in the supportive role, he consistently surpasses expectations in his gameplay. Notably, Fierce clinched the 3rd spot in BMIS 2021 while representing Xo esports. Presently, he has joined the ranks of Revenant esports.

11. Jokerr: A Remarkable Transformation


Khush Singh, famously known as Jokerr, has experienced a remarkable journey. Starting as an underdog player, he has now established himself as a professional esports contender under the banner of Blind esports. In the current landscape of 2023, he stands out as one of the rising stars among the best BGMI players in India.

Jokerr’s evolution from an unheralded player took an exciting turn when he caught the attention of Global esports, who welcomed him into their BGMI esports roster. However, the pinnacle of his achievements arrived with his victory in the BGMI Masters Series, a significant LAN tournament in the BGMI community.

The Promising Horizon of BGMI Esports in India

In the ever-expanding esports landscape of India, we can anticipate the rise of even more extraordinary players. These individuals will seize the chance to vie with the planet’s elite gamers and flaunt their abilities on the global arena. The leading BGMI players have stepped into the role of mentors for the younger generation, sparking fresh waves of enthusiasm for esports across the nation.

In the face of the hurdles presented by the BGMI prohibition, India’s standout players have not only persevered but flourished, showcasing their exceptional prowess. They have transformed into beacons of inspiration and encouragement for budding talents, and our collective aspiration rests on the horizon that the Indian administration will soon revoke the BGMI ban, permitting these gifted athletes to passionately pursue their dreams.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is considered the top BGMI player in India?

Based on skill, gameplay, consistency, popularity among fans, and achievements, Jonathan is widely regarded as the top BGMI player in India.

How many BGMI players are there in India?

As of 2023, the Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) user base has surged to over 150 million players.

Who is recognized as the best In-Game Leader (IGL) in India?

The role of IGL is pivotal in BGMI. Considering significant international accomplishments, MAVI stands out as the best IGL in India. His leadership contributed to OR esports securing the 2nd position in PMWL 2020.


The BGMI esports landscape in India has undergone remarkable expansion, unveiling a host of skilled players who’ve unveiled their talents on both local and global platforms. BGMI’s presence has notably fueled the growth of esports within India, carving out fresh avenues for players in the domestic gaming sector.

As of the year 2023, the roster of the top 11 best BGMI players in India reads as follows: Jonathan, Goblin, ScoutOP, Mavi, Omega, Akshat, ClutchGod, Ninja JOD, Fierce, and Jokerr. These individuals have attained substantial accomplishments, reaping considerable rewards from their esports endeavors. Their collective contributions have significantly propelled the eminence and triumph of BGMI esports within the Indian context.

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